Open your Restaurant Like a Pro

Starting a restaurant can begin as an exciting adventure. The first time I opened a small café, I remember the thrill of turning my concepts and ideas into reality. I imagined how the place would look like. It seemed like a glamorous idea to start my own dining place until a few days before I actually opened it. Opening day was pure chaos. You wouldn’t want to be in that situation, trust me. It got better as days went by and the café ran smoothly after a couple of months. I know you won’t expect your new business to be as chaotic but you’ll never really know till you are actually there. It will just hit you that you forgot to do this and that. There are tiny details that you will miss out and could cause opening day to collapse.

This doesn’t usually happen to people who have already had more than one restaurant. That’s because experience has taught them well. They know what to do and what to avoid. Mistakes can be avoided if you know what to expect. It would really be good for you to discover these pitfalls before starting a restaurant. Avoid mistakes by having enough petty cash, know when you have enough stocks or when it’s time to order them or have all documents in order before you have a legal problem. Seasoned restaurant owners know how to save money too when they open a new restaurant. Most newbies would purchase new equipment to make sure that everything works. You could save a ton of money by getting restaurant equipment for less or even free. Being prepared is about being well-informed.

Discover how seasoned restaurant owners start a restaurant and make opening day stress-free. Visit our website at [your eBook’s website]

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Benefits of Resveratrol in Red Grapes, Grape Juice and Red Wine

I remember my mom used to tell me that grape juice, the purple kind was supposed to be good for you. She used to say it was protection against cancer or heart disease. Of course when I was young I really didn’t make a big deal out of it. Now that I’m 40 years old, I regret not drinking more of it the past 20 years. Like they say, regret comes later. I’ve heard that Resveratrol found in red wine can prevent or cure several major diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and many more illnesses. If red wine has Resveratrol in it then I presume grape juice and Resveratrol also go together somehow right?

The great thing about drinking grape juice is that it’s all natural. I mean, anyone can buy grape juice in the supermarket. Grape extract supplements, well, maybe some of them are diluted and hardly have any Resveratrol in them. Juices have been around for centuries and everyone drinks juice like orange juice, mango juice and grape juice. Resveratrol and all those new medical terms have just been recently made popular by people in marketing, health supplement manufacturers and the press. I guess mom was right when she used to bug me about drinking grape juice when I was a kid. You can actually see the evidence now because she’s the healthiest among the 4 of us in the family. She’s the only one who doesn’t have any major illnesses. She’s better off health wise than my dad, me and my sister. Looks like grape juice and Resveratrol did a good job for her.

I’ve read an article by the Mayo Clinic that said grape juice and Resveratrol may provide the same benefits as red wine. Resveratrol and grape juice reduce blood clots that can cause a stroke if they accumulate in your veins and arteries. It also decreases bad cholesterol which can also lead to a stroke. What’s even better is that red wine, Resveratrol and grape juice can produce more good cholesterol because they contain flavonoids. Flavonoids also lower blood pressure because it unclogs our arteries. Whole grapes, especially the dark purple ones and grape juice contain the same antioxidants found in red wine. The great thing about grape juice is you get the advantages of regaining your youth and a healthy heart by ingesting a chemical found in the juice that is naturally produced by the grape vines. Resveratrol and grape juice are not produced in laboratories but in vineyards.

Resveratrol is that compound found in red grapes and its by-products that is responsible for preventing and curing diseases. It’s naturally produced by the grapes when the grape plant, vines and fruit are attacked by fungi, bacteria and infection. In movies that feature wineries and vineyards, you might notice how the people in the vineyards meticulously inspect their vines and grapes for diseases and fungi. It’s pretty common for these plants to be plagued by bacteria that can destroy it. The grape plant naturally secretes and produces Resveratrol to fight them off. Now, if it’s good enough to ward of sickness in plants, I guess it may also be good for our immunity too.

Studies have proven that Resveratrol reduces the growth of cancer cells in the prostate, breast, pancreas, thyroid, stomach and colon. Experiments by highly reputable organizations have also tested and proven that Resveratrol, when directly introduced to cancerous tumor cells produce apoptosis. Apoptosis happens when the cancer cells die and are replaced by healthy cells. I think that’s better than chemotherapy or radiation that kills both cancer cells and healthy cells. MIT and Harvard scientists also discovered it can restore and prevent brain cell degeneration similar to what’s found in Alzheimer’s patients. Further studies are being made to find out if grape juice can produce the same effects.

I think it’s time we start thinking about our parents’ and grandparents’ advise when it comes to grape juice benefits. Despite the lack of medical studies back then, they already knew of the benefits of grape juice and Resveratrol. They probably learned about it through their own ancestors. This knowledge must have been passed on from one generation to another because of obvious facts from observation throughout years. If we’re going to look for something to drink with our meal or snack, why don’t we make it grape juice? Resveratrol and its benefits will pay off just like it did for my mom.

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Meditation – Then and Now

Many people meditate to relax their mind and body. You may have come across this experience if you are into yoga. Some people meditate on their own to relieve tension from the daily hustle and bustle of a busy career life and you may have wondered at some point how meditation started, or who actually invented it.

Meditation started as an ancient practice among Asian cultures that spread to the rest of the modern world. The methods and purpose of meditation have evolved along the way but the basic principles are still intact. Meditation describes a calm state of mind free from thoughts and distractions. If done correctly meditation produces more awareness of self and detachment from the surroundings that cause pain, stress and conflict.

The first recorded history of meditation are in Cave paintings showing men and women lying on the ground in a trance-like state, probably calling on the God’s or spirits to help them face some kind of crisis. Meditation eventually spread to different cultures and evolved into several variants such as Indian Meditation, Zen meditation, Buddhism meditation, and the modern western form of meditation. India recorded writings about meditation as early as 5000 years ago in sacred scriptures known as the Vedas or Book of Knowledge.

Buddhism began in the 6th century when a Hindu Priest Siddharta Gautama discovered new found knowledge after 7 days of looking into his inner thoughts under a tree with his legs folded. Gautama then became known as Buddha, and Buddhism was born. Buddha sharpened his skill of meditation by concentrating on clearing his mind. His form of meditation eventually reached China and Tibet. The Tibetan style of meditation evolved further by turning negative thoughts into something positive by integrating teachings of wisdom and visualization.

Zen meditation combines Taoism and Mahayana Buddhism. It also requires sitting in a relaxed state and clearing the mind of distractions from the past and future, placing your mind in a present peaceful state. Most people who practice Zen meditation also refrain from drinking alcohol and eating meat. Zen meditation spread from Asia to the west and became quite popular in the US and Europe.

In the 1960’s meditation became a hot trend in the United States, popularized even more by the Beatles who practiced Transcendental meditation after training with Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Americans experimented with various types of meditation in the decades that followed. Modern meditation is a mixture of various principles of meditation from different countries. These days, meditation is used to relieve oneself of stress from a busy lifestyle rather than as a religious experience.

You can practice modern meditation by finding a comfortable quite place in your home or office where you won’t be disturbed for about 20 minutes. Begin by sitting on a comfortable chair with your back straight against the backrest. Try to relax your mind and body by focusing on one thing that brings you pleasure and calms you down. Think of your golf game this weekend, a fishing trip you plan to take with your son, or visualize what you want your new garden to look like.

Remove all traces of negative thoughts and think of only positive things. You can have your eyes either open or closed while doing this. You don’t have to do a full 20 minutes on your first session, but try to do it in the same place as the last time so that you grow accustomed to the surroundings. It also helps to play some Zen meditation music in the background to make you calm down.

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How Far Will the Experiments Go?

Just like a scene out of a movie such as X-men, Splice, or The Island of Doctor Moreau, scientists are now creating animal hybrids, para-humans and chimeras. Chimeras are mythical creatures in Greek legends that are part goat, serpent and lion. Scientifically, chimeras are living creatures that contain more than one set of genes. The practice of creating chimeras started with plants when botanists mixed genes of different species to create a unique plant or flower.

After several years we now see animal chimeras such as domestic cats and wild cat hybrids that are sold as exotic pets for thousands of dollars. Today, some adventurous scientists are blurring the line between proper ethics and creating human-animal hybrids known as para-humans. Human body parts are now commonly grown in animals. In 2003, Chinese scientists mixed human cells and rabbit eggs on a petri dish. They allowed it to grow for several days before destroying it and harvesting the stem cells.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts grew an ear on a mouse’s back that is an exact replica of a human ear including cartilages and tissue. Scientists in Nevada are growing human hearts and livers inside sheep. Doctors at the Mayo Clinic are experimenting on pigs that can produce human blood. In one occasion human brain cells were integrated into the brains of mice.

Scientists and doctors justify these experiments as a way to find medical solutions for us humans. Body parts such as ears, fingers, and organs can soon be available for patients who need transplants. Patients won’t have to die waiting for a liver, kidney or heart. Blood supply will be readily available without the need for blood donors. Other reasons are for commercial purposes, such as to provide a prototype that is closer to the human make-up for drug and product testing. Others create para-humans in laboratories to be able to harvest stem cells for research.

Jeremy Rifkin, a biotechnologist, says these experiments can be applied on a computer model instead of using chimeras. David Magnus of Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics is alarmed with this emerging technology and wonders how far the experiments will go. He’s worried that scientists will soon create animal-human hybrids and allow them to mature. Are creating $2,000 domestic Bengal cats not enough?

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Underwater Scooters – Exciting Gizmos for Divers and People with Physical Disabilities

Underwater scooters aren’t just fancy tools you can use when you go scuba diving. It’s a handy machine to have around if you don’t want to get too tired or if you want to cover a large area in less time. It’s also helpful for people with physical disabilities. This machine is powered by a rechargeable battery than runs a small engine to propel you through water.

It’s a great invention for ordinary divers like you so you can maximize your time underwater and it’s a boon for people who want to dive but have physical limitations. If a disabled person’s lower limbs are compromised, he may have a difficult time propelling himself underwater, this may cause nitrogen narcosis, and you know how dangerous that can be. Underwater scooters make it possible for people with disabilities to enjoy scuba diving too just like you.

Underwater scooters have come a long way, and there are so many kinds of scooters to choose from. There are simple hand-held units and high tech scooters that have seats, rebreathers, built-in masks, and air tanks. These newer and more advanced models frees you from carrying a tank, wearing a mask or using a BC. The prices range from $500 for a simple hand-held model to over $20,000 for scooters with all the frills. Some underwater scooters can seat two people which is perfect for diving couples.

It’s OK to use fins, but once you’ve tried using underwater scooters, you may want to buy one for yourself so you can use it all the time. You can enjoy every dive more if you can move faster and see more things. You can’t stay down forever and scooters can help you cover a larger area than usual. The best thing about it is ,you won’t get tired quickly. The best way to enjoy a relaxing dive is by using these gadgets. Even disabled people who thought they could never dive can do so by using underwater scooters.

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Resveratrol Doesn’t Just Improve Health, it Fights Cancer Too

Resvératrol is a compound that’s known to prevent and cure several serious illnesses like heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, diabetes and cancer. It is capable of doing a pretty good job preventing strokes by naturally eliminating bad cholesterol and blot clots that can get stuck in our arteries and veins. Aside from that it even stimulates the production of good cholesterol in our body. There have been studies made in laboratories that prove Resvératrol can also kill cancer cells in tumors in a process called apoptosis. Apoptosis is sort of like cell suicide when the cancerous cell self destructs and then replaced by good healthy cells.

I think Resvératrol is more than a good solution to many illnesses because it not only cures or prevents sickness; it also replaces the bad with good by replacing damaged or injured cells with good healthy ones. Anti cholesterol medicines can get rid of bad cholesterol but I don’t think it can produce good cholesterol. Chemotherapy and radiation are notorious for killing both bad cancerous cells as well as healthy cancer-free cells. Because of this, many cancer patients die from the cancer treatment rather than the cancer itself. I’ve heard that some oncologists recommend traditional cancer treatment and Resvératrol therapy at the same time to boost the chances of their patient’s recovery.

Like I mentioned earlier Resvératrol also helps in the treatment of diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s and even aids in weight loss. It is such a boon to medical science and a precious gift for us. We owe this discovery to the Japanese and Chinese who first discovered the benefits of Resvératrol. Back in 1940 they gathered roots from pants that contain Resvératrol. They dried and used them to treat a variety of ailments like skin problems and athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is usually caused by fungi. If I remember correctly, the red wine grape vines produce Resveratrol naturally to fight fungi, infection and bacteria that attack them.

In the 70s researchers found Resvératrol in red grapes. For the longest time, scientists and doctors were baffled by what it was in red wine that makes it an anti-cancer drink, restores youth and makes the heart healthy. This is evident in what is called the French Paradox. Doctors could not explain why the French lived long healthy lives despite a diet full of saturated fat. Normally that would raise the percentage of French getting strokes and heart disease. On the contrary they lived long and rarely exhibited signs of heart problems or incidents of stroke. Wine is like water for the French, even their children drink wine at an early age. Of course we can’t justify this as a reason to binge on red wine because the French gradually build up Resvératrol in their bodies by drinking red wine in small portions over several years. We can’t compete with that by drinking hundreds of bottles of red wine in a short span of time.

A few years ago Resveratrol captured the headlines after 60 minutes and other talk shows featured it on International TV. Since then many supplement manufacturers have tried to cash in on this product. Some companies and people abused its good name by distributing diluted and impure Resvératrol in the market. If I were you, I’d be very cautious about buying these supplements from just anywhere. See, the supplements aren’t approved by the FDA as other herbal or natural health supplements. It isn’t a pharmaceutical product so it is not for the FDA to approve or license.

I have heard news that major pharmaceutical companies are interested in mass producing it. Well, I hope that when and if they do, these pharmaceutical companies won’t become greedy but make it affordable for most people. I don’t think they can price it too high; people might get turned off the pill version and switch to grape juice, eating whole grapes or drinking red wine. Today, more in-depth Resvératrol studies are being conducted by highly reputable institutions like Harvard, the Mayo Clinic, MIT and several other medical organizations and hospitals. Further trials are ongoing to solidify what we already know is true. That Resveratrol is a miracle cure from nature.

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How Canvas Prints Have Changed The Way We Decorate Our Walls

Large format canvas print of close-up photo of red flower petal

For the longest time, home owners and interior designers had limited choices concerning the kind of wall art to use for wall decor. Traditionally, people would buy paintings, have them framed and then hang them on their wall. Another option that used to be common was to frame individual small photographs and hang them in groups to cover a big empty wall. Today, due to advances in photo printing technology, photographers are able to print pictures as big was windows that can be used to decorate large walls, homes and office lobbies. There is no need to painstakingly frame several small pictures and hang each one on a wall to create a larger artwork.

These large photos referred to here are called canvas prints. These are large format photos printed on canvas. They are almost as durable as oil paintings on canvas but cost a fraction of the price of a masterpiece. Canvas prints are also more durable than photographs printed on paper. Photos printed on canvas can stay vibrantly colorful for at least 5 to 7 decades unlike ordinary pictures that start to fade after only 5 years.

Another advantage to photos on canvas is easy maintenance. The images are laminated with a protective sealant that makes it resistant to dust, moisture and humidity. If the artwork gets dusty, you only have to lightly dust it with a feather duster. Oil paintings need to be restored and cleaned by a professional conservator. Picture printed on paper are good as gone ones damaged.

With large format canvas pictures, you can decorate a large empty wall in one effort. This beats having to frame several small photos, wiring them all, and boring many holes on your wall to hang them. You can also get creative with triptych or 3-piece canvas pictures for a more modern look. There are also many canvas photo print sizes to choose from and different shapes to fit your wall space.

It is easier to choose an appropriate picture on canvas than to find an oil painting that would look suitable. Sometimes when you find the perfect painting, but it won’t be in the right colors or size that you need. There are countless pictures on different colors that can be printed in any size or shape you want. Discover the convenience of getting canvas prints instead of other types of wall art.

Types Of Sinks For Your Cloakroom Suites

If you are in the process of designing bathroom suites for your home, you should consider checking out several sink fixtures that you can install in your lavatory. These fixtures are meant to be functional but also look beautiful to add to the attractiveness of your cloakroom suites. There are many different styles you can choose from.

There are self rimming versions that are installed on a counter with a rim to contain water within the sink. These come in various shapes and sized. There is also an under mounted type that is installed from underneath a counter. This type can have either wall or counter mounted faucets. Another common type is a pedestal that has its own base. This one is a space-saving sink.

A classic type is a vanity style that consists of a sink that is made of marble or another material. It sits atop a cabinet or vanity table. Another common type you will find in many bathroom suites is the vessel which is installed on a counter or vanity table. Faucets are usually mounted on a wall or can be made of tall vessel filler types that provide space above the rim.

Some cloakroom suites have console types of sinks that are similar to pedestal types but come with a counter-top. The counter is usually supported by 2 or 4 legs. A practical space-saving sink is a wall-hung version that is installed directly to a wall without any support at the bottom. This can be placed at any height level and is ideal for a lavatory for a small child or tall person.

Bath fixtures can come in a variety of materials such as glass, ceramic, cast iron, enamel, stainless steel, vitreous china, fire-clay, and synthetic stone. If you want the most durable type in the market, opt for cast iron types that can withstand any kind of damage. If you want color versatility, you should go for China, solid surfaces and fire-clay. Modern bathroom suites would look great with stainless steel sinks.

If you want to create a truly distinctive look in your restroom, consider using unique materials. You can use real stone, hand-blown or ocean glass, natural wood, copper, brass, solid carved marble, or even hand painted porcelain. They will definitely make your cloakroom suites stand out from the rest but can be quite costly.

You can also use vintage sinks and Victorian lavatory fixtures for a more elegant and old world appeal. When choosing lavatory fixtures, you have to consider many factors such as the size of the sink in comparison to your counter-top, the available space in your lavatories, and the type of faucet you want to use. You faucets must be compatible with the basin.

You can consult with a professional about faucet and sink compatibility. Look for websites online to find the expertise you need. You can also find various types of restroom fixtures on the internet. When you purchase lavatory furnishings online, your provider will typically install the fixtures in your bathroom suites. Find out if your provider will offer this service for free.

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Helpful Designing Tips For Bathroom Suites

Modern cloakroom suites are characterized by clean lines and clutter-free space. Most contemporary bathroom suites would typically have enough storage cabinets to hide bath items, shaving equipment and other toiletries. These closets can help you keep your lavatory spic and span. If you plan to design your own restroom, you should take your time to review several design themes and lavatory fixtures.

You can find samples of various restroom designs in interior design magazines or home improvement books. Visit a bookstore to find these types of reading materials and browse through some before purchasing the ones that contain the designs you like. Aside from printed materials, you can also find a lot if ideas from the internet.

Browse through catalogues, magazines and websites to find various sinks, commode, bathtub and shower designs and fixtures. Focus on the designs that you like and items that actually fit your budget. Don’t always opt for the cheapest furnishings you can find because well-decorated cloakroom suites can actually raise the value of your home.

Consider spending a little more for quality fixtures for your bathroom suites. Good quality will go a long way in terms of durability and aesthetic appeal. Choosing durable furnishings will allow you to enjoy your bath for a longer time without the need of replacing fixtures every now and then. If your lavatory looks great, you can enjoy a nice relaxing bath in the tub each day.

Decide on which area you want to turn into your focal point. Some people like to feature an extravagant whirlpool tub, while others work around the sink area. You also have to consider the space that is available to you before deciding on the type of fixtures you will install in your cloakroom suites. If you are designing a small lavatory, choose space-saving wall mounted or pedestal sinks.

If you have the privilege of decorating large bathroom suites, consider installing a nice Jacuzzi or whirlpool tub. Take some measurements of your lavatory space before shopping for fixtures at a store or from an online provider. If you want to make a small room look larger, place large wall-to-wall mirrors by the sink. You can also make a room appear bigger by using monochromatic color themes.

When designing your lavatory, make sure that you provide enough access space for your shower area. Place the towel rack or a vanity table next to the bathing area for your towels, bath salts and other bath accessories. When it comes to designing the commode area for your cloakroom suites, add storage area for extra toilet paper, books and magazines.

Be mindful about positioning your window. Avoid placing a window by the tub or shower area. This gives you more privacy aside from allowing you to avoid cold air from chilling you as you bathe. Another important design factor for bathroom suites is to avoid placing the commode in a place that directly faces the door. Get more design ideas online before finalizing your layout and purchasing your lavatory fixtures.

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Aspects To Consider When Choosing Sinks For Bathroom Suites

Picking the right kind of sinks for your cloakroom suites can be a challenge with so many different designs in the market. The correct choice will depend on your personal preferences, your needs, and general design theme of your home. Each kind of wash basin have their own pros and cons. Study your options before deciding on the type of lavatory fixtures you will install in your bathroom suites.

There are certain things to consider when choosing an appropriate sink for your lavatories at home. These factors include the space available in the room, the materials of the fixtures, and your general design theme among other aspects. If you have a large lavatory, you can surely use a sink with lots of counter space. Pedestal types and wall mounted sinks are more ideal for smaller rooms.

Another factor to consider when choosing sinks for cloakroom suites is the durability of the materials. The most durable types are made of stainless steel. These are also more ideal for modern lavatory designs. Other kinds like China and porcelain materials are cheaper and more versatile but will not be as tough as stainless steel or copper sinks.

You should also consider the design theme of your home. As mentioned earlier, a contemporary or minimalist home should also have modern looking bathroom suites. Consider streamlined lavatory fixtures that look simple and sleek. Choose basic colors such as white, grey or black for your sinks, tubs and toilet furnishings.

If you have a classic Victorian style home, choose restroom furnishings that also follow the Victorian style. Bathtubs with claw-foot legs will look great in a Victorian style home. You can also get porcelain or ceramic sinks that also have that classic Victorian look. Rustic country homes on the other hand will call for old style copper sinks for the kitchen and cloakroom suites.

Storage is also an important factor to think about when designing your lavatory and choosing your sink style. Some sinks come with vanity tables and cabinets where you can store lots of toiletries. If you wish to install pedestal and wall mounted sinks, you will need additional bathroom furniture such as free-standing cabinets or wall mounted shelves.

The method of mounting your sink is also going to affect how your lavatory appears. They can be mounted over or underneath a counter. Pedestal units or wall mounted versions can save space. The way your sink is mounted may also affect the type of faucets you will need. Some faucets re installed on a counter or on the wall depending on the sink style in your bathroom suites.

If you plan to fix up a young child’s lavatory, think about the height of the sink. This should also be a consideration for cloakroom suites for households with very tall or short people. If you need to install a sink for non-average height people, you might be better off using wall mounted sinks that can be attached to the wall at any height. Consider all these factors before purchasing your sinks.

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