Grapeseed Extract Benefits

Did you know that grapeseed extract benefits people with cancer? A lab experiment proved that leukemia cancer cells exposed to grapeseed extract were killed within only a day. There is a specific medical term that describes this process which is apotosis. What happens in apoptosis is that the cancer cell sort of kills itself and then produces healthy cells in its place. That study was made by scientists from the University of Kentucky and published their results in the journal Clinical Cancer Research. All living things actually create cancer cells. The cancer cells in healthy people normally die by apoptosis when the cells realize that they are defective and unhealthy. Unfortunately not all people can rid of cancer cells naturally. This is when grapeseed extract benefits cancer patients the most.

Although the experiments were done in a lab on cells, not the whole human being, I think it would be safe to say that it can work on humans with cancer. I guess that is why more experiments and tests are being done to prove that grapeseed extract benefits people with illnesses. What the scientists need to find out is how to deliver the grapeseed extracts with the right potency to destroy cancerous cells in the human body. Aside from leukemia, it has also showed promising help for people suffering from other types of cancer in the lungs, prostate, breast, skin, stomach and colon. Traditional cancer treatment like chemotherapy and radiation will kill both the cancer cells and healthy cells at the same time. Sometimes this unfortunately results in early fatalities of cancer patients. Grapeseed extracts in the lab experiments did not harm the healthy cells. Now, if grapeseed extracts are able to do that, which would you prefer if you had cancer? Radiation, chemo or grapeseed extracts? I sincerely hope these scientists and doctors figure out a way to implement grapeseed extract benefits into proper cancer treatment.

Aside from its ability to stop cancer in the laboratory, grapeseed extract benefits people with infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. In vineyards, people who grow grapes are aware that the grape vines have a natural ability to fight bacteria, infection and viruses that attack them. Grapes and grapeseeds stimulate the immune system of the grape vines. The great thing about grapeseed extract is that it has healing abilities similar to antibiotics that can cure infections and ailments even when the source of the infection is unknown. So far, there have been no known negative side effects from the use of grapeseed extracts in humans and animals whether ingested internally or used topically. This miracle compound has over a hundred known uses and benefits. Grapeseed extract has been used effectively for centuries, generation after generation as a natural herbal cure by people from all walks of life. There are too many diseases that grapeseed extracts can cure and prevent that I can’t even begin to write them all down here. If you have time to do research as I did, you will find lists of illnesses by the tens of page. It’s unbelievable!

Grapeseed extract benefits practically all organs in our body from the heart, lungs, kidneys, lymph system, bladder, etc. Externally, it also helps with fungi infection like athlete’s foot, blisters, acne, burns, eczema, dandruff, wounds, parasites, allergies and even herpes. Grapeseed extract is also a disinfectant and can be used to clean an infant’s crib, feeding bottles, nipples and toys. Of course it would be safer to dilute it a bit for the baby’s safety. Some people even use a few drops of grapeseed extract to launder the baby’s clothes and diapers because sometimes hot water and soap are not enough to get rid of all bacteria and germs. When babies are newly born they tend to shed skin on their head. This is known as cradle cap. Mixing some grapeseed extract with oil can be used to get rid of cradle cap and even diaper rash. There are so many grapeseed extract benefits that I’m surprised that not every household has a bottle. Even veterinarians use grapeseed extract for animals and domestic pets. Grapeseed extract benefits don’t stop at living things only. It can be used for household cleaning too. Unlike commercial cleaners at the supermarket, grapeseed extract is non-toxic, therefore safer for homes with young children. As it does with the grape fruit vine, the extracts can also benefit house plants and protect them from fungi, disease and parasites.

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Chiropractor in San Antonio Offers Therapy for Vehicular Accident Victims

If you were injured in a car accident, you’ll know that it is a traumatizing incident that also requires medical attention. The experience can become worse if you sustain injuries in the crash. If you hurt your neck or back, consider seeing a San Antonio chiropractor after you receive emergency attention.

If you hurt your spine or neck in a road accident, make sure that you still get emergency help at the nearest hospital ER. If you feel dizzy, vomit or experience pain, get an x-ray immediately and have a doctor or radiologist analyze your x-ray results. Have open wounds cleaned and disinfected.

Apply an ice pack to your injured body part. Avoid using warm compress just yet as this can make the injury and pain worse. Use cold ice packs for the first 72 hours. You may have to take an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling and antibiotics to fight infections.

Take a lot of bed rest and avoid lifting heavy weights. Take a few days off from work and try to eat healthy and get as much sleep as possible. Your body and injuries will need time and rest to get better. Although you should get rest, you should also stretch your muscles to prevent stiffness.

After your initial medical attention, it may be time to seek chiropractic care for pain relief. Your chiropractor may suggest therapeutic massages to relieve discomfort. Muscle spasms are common problems experienced by car accident victims. Massages can lessen the severity of spasms that are probably caused by whiplash.

If your spinal cord was injured or if you acquired whiplash, your San Antonio chiropractor might also recommend spinal decompression or a manual spinal manipulation. These will realign any discs in your spine that may have been dislodged. Follow your chiropractor’s orders so you can recover faster.

Note: unpaid article